Heal Your Money Story 2021

Hosted by
Sarupa Shah

Broadcast has ended.

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May 18th
20:00 BST
Series Schedule

May 18

20:00 BST

How to open up to receive abundance


May 22

15:15 BST

May 25

20:00 BST

I am going old skool with a webinar series, ending with a bumper free workshop!

(You register once for the whole series - and I will send you reminders by email - these sessions might be available as a recording to purchase after, but I haven't decided and am not planning on sharing the recording - keeping it super simple - you want the growth - show up LIVE!!)

Get some deep-powerful-magical training

The week is designed to take you on a journey to your dream money workshop!

Focus your energy on upping your inner-game

Discover the inner-work magic that is needed to create a healthy relationship with money

From pricing to opening up to receive ...

I am going to take you on a deep adventure/ Come ready to implement. Yes you will get information BUT you will ALSO get tools and strategies to apply so you can start your shift with your money story - the final session I have dedicated to a coaching session - so get coaching from me - LIVE!

Download My Dream Money Planner

For everyone attending the LIVE workshop, I am going to share my Dream Money Planner which has been shared to over 30,000 PLUS people.

You will also learn throughout the week about why and how to write a new money story

This is going to be one helluva training week, so clear your diary to be there. I haven't decided if I am sharing the recordings, so don't make that your strategy - if you want to grow and learn and receive, then be LIVE and on time!!!


About Sarupa Shah

I help people move beyond their money blocks and focus on their soul purpose. I work with connecting you to your soul and higher-self, not your mind and work with heart centered coaches, healers, therapists, and lovers of life.

I have a regular column in Soul & Spirit Magazine, the UK's glossiest magazine for spiritual seekers and am their resident Money, Manifestation Mentor.

Seeing others succeed, flourish and live their potential is my passion and my magic is seeing what YOU can't see yet and giving you the treasure map to get their - the map your soul is holding that takes you to your potential, to your abundance and to your joy.

I am super excited about this webinar series - so come join me and don't forget to share it using the share

buttons below. See you live in the sessions! Can't wait.

Sarupa xxx

May 18th
20:00 BST